Adding Logo color


Now that the basic shape for the logo is complete, you can add color to it. The design for The Coffee Shop logo uses three colors. You will add olive green to the outer triangles, deep yellow to the inner triangles, and light yellow to the circles.

To add color to outer triangles
1 Click Edit menu 􀁠 Select all 􀁠 Objects.
2 Click Arrange menu 􀁠 Ungroup all.
3 Click the Pick tool .
4 Hold down Shift, and select the four outer triangles.
5 Open the Fill flyout , and click the Fill color dialog button .
6 Click the Models tab.
7 From the Model list box, choose RGB.
8 In the R box, type 153.
9 In the G box, type 153.
10 In the B box, type 51.
11Click OK.

To add color to inner triangles
1 Click Edit menu 􀁠 Select all 􀁠 Objects.
2 Click the Pick tool .
3 Hold down Shift, and select the four inner triangles.
4 Open the Fill flyout , and click the Fill color dialog button .
5 Click the Models tab.
6 From the Model list box, choose RGB.
7 In the R box, type 255.
8 In the G box, type 204.
9 In the B box, type 0.
10Click OK.

To add color to the circles
1 Click the Pick tool .
2 Hold down Shift, and select the six circles.
3 Open the Fill flyout , and click the Fill color dialog button .
4 Click the Models tab.
5 From the Model list box, choose RGB.
6 In the R box, type 255.
7 In the G box, type 249.
8 In the B box, type 116.
9 Click OK.

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